The Code Enforcement program involves two major categories as set forth in the
Biggs Municipal Code by the City Council.
1) The enforcement of City planning and development codes such as setbacks, building heights, fences, accessory structures, and building without permits.
2) The City’s public nuisance, streets and roads, and public health codes that involve neighborhood health and safety issues such as outdoor marijuana cultivation, abandoned appliances, and household garbage not contained within the waste bins. Code enforcement also includes visual blight such as broken windows, debris, excessive weeds, and disabled or unattended vehicles.
The goals of Code Enforcement go beyond simple enforcement of the
Biggs Municipal Code. Goals also include health and safety of citizens, improving quality of life in the City and preserving and improving property values.
For information about reporting a code enforcement violation, or responding to a letter from the code enforcement officer, please see our
FAQ's or contact Code Enforcement.